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URGENT: Action needed on video gaming legislation


We are entering the final weeks of the state legislative session and we now have just weeks left to pass House Bill 282, which would allow electronic instant bingo at veterans and fraternal locations.  If we are unable to pass the legislation it will die, leaving us once again at the mercy of the courts, which is risky.

HB 282 has passed the Ohio House and is now in the Ohio Senate Government Oversight Committee.  While the members of the committee are very supportive, the Chairman of the committee is a proponent of utilizing Lottery products rather than charitable gaming…so he is unlikely to have hearings on the bill unless he is directed to do so by the Senate President.  So we need the Senate President to lean on the Chair to move this legislation.

We need you to call Senate President Larry Obhof IMMEDIATELY and tell him to direct the Government Oversight committee to have hearings next week and bring this bill to a vote.

Please take two minutes to pick up the phone right now and call Senate President Larry Obhof at (614) 466-7505.  You can also email him at  He needs to hear from the veterans posts so he knows this is a priority.

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