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Stand Down for Homeless Veterans


o All Members of Post 283:

For many years the Auxiliary Unit 283 has been involved with the Stand Down for Homeless Veterans. We have collected socks, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, and many other items to give to Veterans during October. Last year due to Covid Columbus did not host the program. This year the city of Columbus is sponsoring a "Duffle Bag Drive." The duffle bags will be given to Veterans only (must show proof of being a veteran). The more donations they receive, the more filled duffle bags can be provided to both men and women Veterans. The filled bags cost approximately $50 each and are filled with items that will help the Veterans. They will contain different mixes of personal hygiene items, socks, bedding, and a box of Girl Scout cookies. There is a sign in the lounge with a box attached where you can put a donation. If you prefer to pay by check, please make checks out to ALA Unit 283 as we will put all donations into our Poppy Account and send one check to the Central Ohio Veterans Stand Down.

There is also a program to provide a NEW coat to a Veteran. Cash donations are also welcome for this program.

We are asking that all donations be in by Sunday, August 22. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at

Thank you for your continued support for our Veterans.

Wendy Robertson

Auxiliary Unit 283 President

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