Post Members,
Post 283 has been closed through the end of April due to the Covid-19 breakout. All meetings and events are cancelled through the month of April.
Our post constitution makes it clear that elections need completed in May. We normally ask for nominations up until mid-April due to he fact we are required to mail (snail mail) out information to those members whom do not have electronic means. The Commander has asked 3 post members to lead the election committee this year. If you would like to run or be nominated for a Post Officer position, please contact one of our election committee member’s via phone below:
Gene Bednarski: (740) 927-1349
Dave Stiles: (614) 833-0038
Gene McManus: (740) 862-8992
If you would like to be nominated for a post position, please contact one of the election committee members above no later than April 11th.
At this time post-elections are still planned for the General meeting in May (05/07/2020). Please keep an eye on the post news via:
With the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) please remember to:
Wash hands frequently (antibacterial soap recommended), especially before eating or before and after using the restroom. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Clean electronic devices and tools (e.g. phones, computers, keyboards, desks) with disinfectants. Be sure to follow the package directions for disinfecting.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Sneeze/cough into your elbow/sleeve or a tissue. Dispose of the tissue and wash your hands.
Please avoid public gatherings if you feel ill or have symptoms of a cold. Think not only of yourself, but your fellow Legionnaires that may have compromised or deficient immune systems.
Post 283 Officers