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Post Cantina Closed UFN / Dept Commander Msg

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

UPDATE 03/16 - All post events and meetings are cancelled through the month of April - Post 283 Officers.

As noted below by the Department Commander, Pickerington Post 283 cantina will be closed until further notice. Please check with your Legion leaders (SAL/Auxiliary/Honor Guard/Legion Riders) on guidance about future meetings and events.


The American Legion Department of Ohio Urgent Messaging Regarding COVID-19


To All American Legion Family: On this American Legion 101st Birthday, we must take seriously the recent order and directive from Governor Mike DeWine regarding closures of restaurants and bars in Ohio. This does include our American Legion Posts (including other VSO's, Lodges, and Fraternals) beginning 9pm this evening, until further notice. Our Posts are able to remain open for business for purposes of take out, delivery, and small meetings with no food or beverages being served. Please take this opportunity to perform "Buddy Checks" to the members of your Posts. There may be elderly who cannot get out and your Post may be able to deliver a meal, or prepare one, for a member of the family to pick up. Remember to stay home if you are not feeling well, coughing excessively, and sneezing. Please wash your hands and sanitize any areas that may have had frequent public contact. Please keep in mind that this is affecting our elderly and infirmed at much higher rates than those who are younger and healthier. We believe these extreme measures are temporary if we all do our part. As of now, we have not cancelled anything currently scheduled. We will re-evaluate our events, meetings, and Department calendar first thing in the morning. Any decisions about cancellations will be discussed on a day to day basis with information from President Donald J. Trump and Governor Mike DeWine. We encourage you to stay informed on who is affected and how this disease is spreading by visiting the Centers for Disease Control at CDC.GOV. We take full consideration of our members and staff and will ensure that we do not make any decisions that may jeopardize the health of our American Legion Family. For God and Country, Roger Friend Department Commander 2019-2020

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