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Post 283 News / Insurance Claim


Dear Post 283 Members,

I am writing to you to keep you informed and prevent further rumors. As some of you know, there was a Fairfield County Detective at the Post recently. Former Commander Dave England and I filed a theft report.

Towards the end of May, we noticed discrepancies in the Video Raffle account. I requested an external Audit which was performed, and confirmed we were missing a significant amount of money from 1 January thru May 2021. I then requested an additional audit for the calendar year 2020, and it was found that additional funds were missing. We have no way to confirm the involved party. We have taken measures to ensure this can never happen again.

The good news is we are working with our insurance company. They have agreed there is enough evidence of fund mismanagement by an employee even if we cannot identify the person responsible. They are in the process of settling our claim to recover some of the missing funds. We should be receiving $25,000 soon.

Please do not discuss this in the Lounge nor ask me or any other board member for additional information.

Paul (P.J.) Schorr, Ret-USAF

Post 283 Commander

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