The eBoard has instituted changes and updates for our members:
General meetings restarted. June General meeting this Thursday 06/04 @7:30pm. Social distance guidelines will be followed with chairs spaced 6 ft. apart. Masks optional but encouraged. We will have sanitizing solution in the hall and it is all around the lounge.
Monthly and Weekly drawings are restarting. Daily draws continue to be suspended. Clip boards will remain at walkup station with sanitizer.
The Legion Lounge will be OPEN July 4th. We are looking at the possibility of bringing in music and food truck(s). Since must 4th of July celebrations cancelled at city levels, come join as at your Legion for Independence day!
No steak night for June. Honor Guard to re-evaluate for July.
Riders Geno Memorial Run postposed for 2020.
The Health Department has already paid a visit to our Legion, we passed with flying colors.
It is very important to note - social distancing is still required for Legion areas. There is no standing while socializing, please be seated at designated social distanced areas. Up 10 people per table are allowed. If the social distance guidelines are not followed the Legion will be forced to discontinue events again. Social distancing, proper sanitizing, no grouping. If you have a drink you must be seated (no standing or grouping).
The Bartender is in charge!
American Legion
Post 283 Pickerington